Don't Get Caught in the Matrix

December 12, 2023 #TapeLabTuesday

We're like 10 weeks into #TapeLabTuesday, and the reader response has been overwhelming, to say the least—keep your comments coming! On deck this week...2 New Releases, a Double Relux Rewinded Release, Announcing the Down Below the Surface album, plus an exclusive early look at a work in progress.

New This Week: 12/12/23

head exploding with cursed data

New MIDI configurations have begat new results. Don't get caught in the Matrix...Some hard hitters in this 10-minute mix. What are you thoughts? Let us know and drop a comment on SoundCloud!

This one is a truck thumper, absolutely jam this in your car with the bass turned up. Squiggly, wiggly beat. 


A double-pressed #ReluxRewind, calling back to creating the original two albums - recorded live on tape during the same session. 

King RingoJersey FloreYa-ma-ha-me-haReversetapeThe Slow and the SeriousCowboys 3 Men

From the start, a powerfully simple beat announces its eponymous title - RINGO BEAT BIG TIME. This was a fun jam session back in Graham, NC early in the time of the Tape. Back in the Twisted Tea days. This first jam has a calm, 90’s instructional video or corporate training vibe. 

Sliding into a dance beat. You can almost feel the laughter while we made this driving techno track. Like lots of our older music, we just let it ride. Record everything and then trim it down. Nice flow to the tracks - a great example of that classic Tape Lab sound!

Thos BeansNitecapsMushroom for Improvement (Single)Shroomoutro

Part two, extension from Deep Ringo. The Jam gets deeper as the mushrooms bloom. Spacier, more expanded than the A-side.

Down Below the Surface Coming Jan 1.

Long awaited Tape Lab album compiles one of our most creative and streamlined periods. Spanning beats made between 2021-2022, this album will likely have one of your favorite Tape Lab beats. Make sure you are following Tape Lab on Spotify or Apple Music to hear it when it drops. 

Or, for real ones, you can listen to the album early on Bandcamp!

"That sounds great...but can you bounce it to Tape?"


colin farrell wearing batu glasses. pixelated

Get your Batu glasses on and scrub your memories in the meta-matrix.

Moog Sub37 + Kaosillator + Yamaha RM1X


Welcome to #TapeLab—stay a while and listen. Founded in 2017 by lifelong friends, Tape Lab is a collective of artists and a hub for innovation, always open to collaboration. With the zeal of a self-published memoir, our sound is our own, but you can be the decider. We make music and art that sounds like it was fun to make and stands out in a sea of bland beats.

As independent artists, we are always exploring new ways to expand our audience and find new creative outlets—especially with other undiscovered artists!

#TapeLab is currently based out of two headquarters in Durham, NC, and The Hamptons, NY.

Tape Lab 2023 - Secret & New Tracks


Phono or RCA? The difference