Official Music Video for Atheist Gospel by Tape Lab. Calming and cool. pRaise Hell. If you’re an athiest, this one is for you. If you’re not, go back to church.
It has to be Sexy, otherwise I don’t eat. Come for the #RickettyCricket, stay for the dancing penguins
Shoutout Patrick Stewart and much luv to CD+ for making such a heater opening!
Drifting through murky currents, the Agents of the Deep emerge—signals buried beneath layers of magnetic hiss, voices lost in the undertow. Pulsing rhythms lurk like sonar blips in a drowning void, melodies tangled in kelp-like distortion. No map, no compass—just the abyss whispering back.
Times are strange. As we continue to survive the idiocalypse we take time to contemplate ourselves. With a lack of direction, Quarantageous provides an occasional radio DJ to compensate for the lack of social interaction we've been enduring.
Much love for Todd Howard, we're all just living in his RPG world. #itjustworks
Nephalem Remastered Two is a ritual to reclaim, a conjuration, a whisper from the void where Sanctuary was first carved from chaos. #stayawhile
Compilation of Tape Lab songs remixed live on tape in July, 2020. Played on Sony TCM-200 DV Cassette players & Korg Koas DJ Pad, recorded onto tape.
Rediscovered from the Tape Lab Archives - JUSTICE IS A LIE.
Layers of Dryness.
My feet are soaked, but my cuffs are BONE DRY!
Everythings coming up Tape Lab!
People thought 2yng2smpl really went crazy when this was releasesed. #DATACURSE
Part 3. The final chapter of the first trilogy in the ongoing Playstationary saga. Music created by reLux (CD+ and 2yng2smpl) of TapeLab. Love Letter to Dennis Quaid. #StraightQuaided
A little bit risque! 2yng2smpl in an intimate setting playing around on old vintage phones
Now THAT is some hyper-cerebrial album naming! So many puns so much to think about. Y R U B? Tangled wires, cables and bad quality air anyway that influences the limbs and finger tips.
I don’t know where to begin. I mean, I do, but every time I start, my mind spirals into a vortex of Quaid-ian moments—cinematic, electric, undeniably essential. There’s something about the way you exist on screen, like you’re perpetually on the verge of either solving everything or losing it all. It’s intoxicating. It’s terrifying. It’s Dennis Quaid.
Let’s talk about The Right Stuff. The way you grinned through the impossible, the way your Chuck Yeager-adjacent energy made spaceflight feel like a bar fight with physics. Or Innerspace, where you shrank down but somehow expanded the universe of what a leading man could be—part rogue, part everyman, part microscopic adventurer lodged inside Martin Short’s bloodstream. No one else could have done that. NO ONE.
And don’t get me started on Frequency. No, seriously, don’t—because I’ll lose hours thinking about the raw dad-son time-ripple tragedy of it all. You made me believe in ham radios as portals to lost love, to second chances. You made me wonder if I should start scanning the airwaves for echoes of my own past.
Here’s what I need to know, Dennis: Do you realize the gravitas you carry? The Quaid Effect™? It’s that kinetic, caged-animal energy that simmers under every performance, even in The Parent Trap. (I could write another 12 pages on that alone—your vineyard, your sweaters, your tragic susceptibility to Natasha Richardson’s charm.)
I worry that the world doesn’t fully appreciate what you’ve given us. I worry that you don’t either. Do you wake up knowing that someone, somewhere, is having a full-blown Dennis Quaid moment? Because I promise you, it’s happening. Right now. Maybe it’s me.
I don’t expect a response, but I do expect you to keep Quaid-ing. Whatever that means, I know you understand.
Forever caught in your gravitational pull,
2yng2smpl finally did it! A remix of Faith Hill's classic pop hit. No matter how you cut it, you'll be feeling like bliss. #TakeaBliss
PlayStationary Two Vol. 3 - Dang Fatality
For real Memphis fans ONLY
The intersection is a point in time—forward and backward—the bridge above, the wall below.
Mini hoop legend, 2yng2smpl - what we did for fun during covid
Music created by reLux (2¥2$ and CD+) of TapeLab. If you know the name of this film please leave it in the comments below so we can give credit.
This is a mix of original TapeLab music by reLux. We will be releasing more from the Tape Labrary in the future. We hope to see you there. Sincerity is everything, ~TapeLab.