Nobody Asked for This

March 18, 2024 | #TapeLabTuesday

Against better judgment, I've been updating some of our least favorite songs! Will you ever listen to it? Did you you know that there was a version that existed before? Well, its not important now. You may have missed the opportunity to listen to the bad version, but now there is a NEW version that addresess some of the oustanding issues and adds news just for fun!

These tracks will appear on the soon-to-be-announced Orthogonalbum. I guess it was just announced. So, they will appear on the just-announced Orthogonalbum.

Here are some of the latest #ReluxRewinders to be "improved." Thats not fair, I did work pretty hard on making these better and I think they are. Do you? Open for feedback (kind words only).

Data Crush

This one is dope. New beat makes the track smooth and the vocal chops are a drastic improvement. 10 of 10, would recommend. The drum beat is super funky.

Silent Princess

Nobody's favorite in previous form, clocking in at nearly 10 minutes, this long-form jammer has been considerably consolidated, streamlined into a more cohesive beat and pruning (nice garden pun). Adding in some new Piano hits and Kaosillator flavor, this one has a little more room to breath.

No Fun Haus

This one got a pretty substantial makeover. From oddball to even weirder, now it features some vocals that nobody asked for! The song is about how alienating and often un-fun making music can be. Likely to be deleted soon, take your chance to listen now before its gone forever!

Tasty Wheed

You're not familiar? You don't say... HOW DO THE MACHINES REALLY KNOW WHAT TASTY WHEED TASTED LIKE? MAYBE THEY GOT IT WRONG. Well, we defeintely got it wrong with this one before (it was clipping, OMG). So, we made it shorter and quieter and added a fresh new pitch-bent Oman Break for good measure.


Welcome to #TapeLab—stay a while and listen. Founded in 2017 by lifelong friends, Tape Lab is a collective of artists and a hub for innovation, always open to collaboration. With the zeal of a self-published memoir, our sound is our own, but you can be the decider. We make music and art that sounds like it was fun to make and stands out in a sea of bland beats.

As independent artists, we are always exploring new ways to expand our audience and find new creative outlets—especially with other undiscovered artists!

#TapeLab is currently based out of two headquarters in Durham, NC, and The Hamptons, NY.

COLLABORATIVE COLLISION: Brillman & Tape Lab on a Crash Course


Eagerly Awaiting Recognition