MIXTAPE: Disco Downtempo

Yes, we listen to other people’s music. In fact, we have always been willing to admit that we like music. That said, I don’t think that I’m a very good DJ (this is 2yng2smpl, btw). BUT, I’ve never let talent or the lack thereof to influence my actions.

After making plenty of sub-standard mixtapes (which have been tastefully curated, never deleted and soaking up bandwidth for the rest of time), DISCO DOWNTEMPO is undoubtedly the most impressive.

Recorded live on cassette tape and encompassing some of my all time favorite electronic heaters + tape samples!

Runtime: 46:29


17:16 - Lush

20:57 - sloslylove x The Radiant Coat

24:00 - ???

25:00 - ???

26:15 - Vaporwave

27:57 - ???

29:55 - eleveneastern

31:07 - Snippets by Lord Raja x Necronomicon

32:50 - …. by mndsgn x Buck Rogers

35:45 - … by Lord Raja x Buck Rogers

37:07 - Vaporwave mashup x Lord Raja

38:40 - Eyes without a Face


Welcome to #TapeLab—stay a while and listen. Founded in 2017 by lifelong friends, Tape Lab is a collective of artists and a hub for innovation, always open to collaboration. With the zeal of a self-published memoir, our sound is our own, but you can be the decider. We make music and art that sounds like it was fun to make and stands out in a sea of bland beats.

As independent artists, we are always exploring new ways to expand our audience and find new creative outlets—especially with other undiscovered artists!

#TapeLab is currently based out of two headquarters in Durham, NC, and The Hamptons, NY.


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