Tape Lab, the ARG?
In light of recent discourse, Tape Lab acknowledges the emergent theories suggesting that our existence is, in fact, an Alternate Reality Game (ARG). While we appreciate the fervor of digital sleuths, cipher decoders, and forum dwellers, we must categorically state: Tape Lab is NOT a traditional ARG.
There is a code that awaits. There is a hidden message behind all of this noise, a soothing warble of cassette tape chemistry. Will you read the book of flesh?
However, we cannot control the pareidolia of the internet. If certain anomalous patterns emerge within our discography, our visual output, or the cryptic nature of our public communications, it is merely the byproduct of artistic intent—certainly not the work of some unseen puppet master.
Any perceived connections to unsolved ARGs, number stations, or lost media are purely incidental. WHAT IS LOST MEDIA?
Yet, we do not discourage inquiry. Those who seek will always find, and in the grand tradition of the esoteric, we acknowledge that every signal produces noise, and every noise contains signal.
If you discern something hidden in the margins, it is neither confirmation nor denial—only an invitation to look closer.
For those still tracking the breadcrumbs:
For everyone else: It’s just music. Probably.