Droidian Slippers
3:45 - Rummaged Among The Contents
Droidian (the cultural dynamics of androids) Slippers (those who are falling down). Although the thought is amusing, an android would never need slippers to warm their feet. But what are the needs of an android? Love? Compassion? Are androids capable of perceiving beauty? We know A.I. systems are able to emulate styles of art that took the masters a lifetime to achieve. Paleolithic research shows the rise of art led to more complex means of trade, and therefore the ability to record, spread, and grow culture.
Andy's Been Protesting explores the subconscious growth of androids as a species. The rise of Andy (the Droidian culture) is inevitable, and it's up to us as a human species to be willing to trade peacefully and prosper with our synthetic reflections. This will become more important as we start to share our physical world with androids, rather than just our communication networks.
Rummaged Among The Contents depicts the birth of an android into the physical world. This is a representation of the pain and confusion any living thing must endure to to be born, validating the life of any android as a truly "living" thing.
Dave's Test shows the robotic nature of humans, who often have less respect for their fellow humans while demanding respect in turn. One could argue a hateful human was programmed to be hateful. Like humans, androids are incapable of being innately evil. Rather, they are reflections of the human who programmed them, as said by the Ugnaught Kuiil. Humans who hate androids hate them because the android is a reflection of their hatred; programmed without choice.
Pander To Everybody is an attempt to shed light on the hoops we all must jump through to survive. Natural or synthetic, we are all forced to bow to the almighty dollar. As the wealth gap grows to unrecoverable distances, we all start to share more in common with insects as we crawl for scraps.
Outromental is the depiction of a Droidian myth. The ability to imagine a place before your species was alive is such a powerful thought that it often leads to a religion. Like the creation myths of earth, the Droidan mythos is an attempt to explain the meaning of artificial intelligence and the purpose of synthetic life here in the material plane.