Deep Dive: preLease (Album, 2021)

Toyota Previa Mini Van on the moon with, prelease by Tape Lab

preLease by Tape Lab

The first official Tape Lab album to appear on streaming service, we ran through these beats like wild fire.

Sixteen franticly composed and energetic beats spanning every genre and a few you’ve never heard of.

It was summer of COVID. Tape Lab was busy. Never bored. Once we figured out we were able to release our own music on Spotify / streaming, we never looked back.


The first song we recorded for the album. 2yng2smpl botched the compression and we could never get it right, but it still absolutely SLAPS.

A Kaosillator classic - Say whats up to Tyreal for me when you see him back in Sanctuary.

Our old friend PPAAAAALLLL Simon. A real beach groover, great for dancing and bopping. Not to be confused with NTSB Simon.

Tried to use a beat library for this one, its just too complex - BUT, this is the beat for the Goombas. #JumpOnTheHead

Kamala is so righteous and we had to shout her out for being so brat. this song is just Righteous, like it says.

Added a classic old one from like 2018 to the album. A mixture of Science and Friction. #SciFri. LOVE those Buck Rogers Tape samples.

PSA: This one has lyrics. They are talking about cursed data.

Sunnyvale type beat, J-roc on the track

Not much to say here. a late inclusion

Klowney Worst. Kinda a Kanye hip-hop type beat. Kind of

GOt the MIDI from the Yamaha RM1X and popped in some Ableton beats. it crashed the computer.

We made two! I LOVE the “analog” synth line on here.

All the samples rock from Beast Wars. YHEUS


The music that plays when you enter a shop in a video game that doesn’t exist yet. YET. Buyin’ a sellin’ a lot.

Wish we could remove this one, but just don’t listen to it please.

A great exit, the view from the moon in your bus is tre chic.


Welcome to #TapeLab—stay a while and listen. Founded in 2017 by lifelong friends, Tape Lab is a collective of artists and a hub for innovation, always open to collaboration. With the zeal of a self-published memoir, our sound is our own, but you can be the decider. We make music and art that sounds like it was fun to make and stands out in a sea of bland beats.

As independent artists, we are always exploring new ways to expand our audience and find new creative outlets—especially with other undiscovered artists!

#TapeLab is currently based out of two headquarters in Durham, NC, and The Hamptons, NY.

Tape Lab Lore Book: OUT NOW!


Deep Dive: Wire USB Alone? (EP, 2019)