Mixtape Madness, Collected Tapes + Playlists
Did you know that at Tape Lab, we listen to other people's music as well? It's true! We like music just like everyone else. Available via the Tape Labrary, our Mixtapes span every genre and there is something for everyone.
Click here to explore the full archive of mixtapes!
Need a great collection for a road trip or a workout? Check out the Rufunyun Mix!
Ready to chill at the Afters? The Discodowntempo Mixtape will keep the vibes just right.
Or, consider stealing one of these mixes and give it to your special someone (just say its yours!) I bet she'll just love the Hot Gurl Apartment Mix.
We have even included the UNRELEASED mixtape of the greatest video game music ever, co-curated by 2yng2smpl and CD+, Video Game Class-X A/B
DJ WorldsWorst is the DJ alter ego for 2yng2smpl. "Hey look honey, I think the DJ is drunk."
(Psytrance, 128 BPM) Released Nov. 26, 2023
Always growing, always spinning, regardless of demand. Err on the side of the Ersatz. Featuring our new Moog combined with contemporary beats and some cornball FX. About the album art: that's an impressionist painting of Phillip K Dick holding his cat, superimposed over the Japanese book cover for Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep.
er·satz /ˈerˌsäts,ˈerˌzats/
adjective, (of a product) made or used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else.
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