Remixed Album Art & New Tracks

#TapeLabTuesday — Nov. 7, 2023

Things are still heating up, with old classics being remastered and rediscovered, plus new music of questionable quality! PLUS, new website functionality with the TAPE LAB DISCOGRAPHY.

This week is mostly focused on new Tape Lab Album Art Alternates, an ongoing project to breathe life into our catalog.

We've been working out some new album covers and HD remasters for some of our older projects. Check our Instagram for the details and for ongoing updates.  There is a sample collection for alternate album covers at the end of this post.


Flunk Doubt

Fun, funky, and finally a smooth connection between the RM1X and the SC-DC70. Originally part of a fully tape (secret link here), this is the best part, we think. Album art comes from some cool visual feedback I recorded with the Sony DCR-570, then layered and duplicated.


Somehow saved this from the dungeon-depths of phase cancelation - thanks, Ableton! Doesn't it sound like a Spyro song? Definitely some Stuart Copeland-type drums. Can you find Spyro on the map? 

Deincarnation / O Yamashi

Two new tracks to complete the 4Geinoh EP. These were recored in 2021, but just released this month! Samples come from Geinoh Yamashiguri - the people who made the Akira OST. 


Welcome to #TapeLab—stay a while and listen. Founded in 2017 by lifelong friends, Tape Lab is a collective of artists and a hub for innovation, always open to collaboration. With the zeal of a self-published memoir, our sound is our own, but you can be the decider. We make music and art that sounds like it was fun to make and stands out in a sea of bland beats.

As independent artists, we are always exploring new ways to expand our audience and find new creative outlets—especially with other undiscovered artists!

#TapeLab is currently based out of two headquarters in Durham, NC, and The Hamptons, NY.



SoundConnections: Audio Wire Overview