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Gaslit by Streaming Remasters? Try Physical Media.
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Gaslit by Streaming Remasters? Try Physical Media.

Do you really trust streaming services NOT to change the music you thought you liked? There are a million reasons ($) for record companies and artists to fiddle and tweak and alter and, worse yet, ~ReMAsTeR~ the music you used to know. Instead of being gaslit by big streaming companies - make sure you save your favorite song DIRECTLY TO TAPE so they can't change them.

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The Mixtape: Still the Greatest Gift
How-to Guides TapeLab How-to Guides TapeLab

The Mixtape: Still the Greatest Gift

Mixtapes are still a great gift, especially with streaming being so impersonal. There's something about mixtapes that just won't quit. Let's dive into why people adore them, why they make a "stellar" gift (pun intended), and how you can craft the ultimate mixtape.

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